
New Obsession: Freelance Whales

I only vaguely remember how I was introduced to this artist, but I remember it was on Youtube, and I remember it was love at first listen. It's been about a month since that first introduction, and I've already bought their album Weathervanes and I've poured their music into my Grooveshark playlists.

Please meet Freelance Whales!

via their Myspace
They've got a light, but somehow grounded sound. Wikipedia classifies them as indie rock. I classify them as something between indie and hipster with some electronic sparkle in there. (Ha! I'm not going to become a music critic anytime soon.)

This is my all time favorite, "Enzymes."

Next favorites go to "Starring" and "Generator 1st Floor."

You can download one of their songs, "Generator 2nd floor," from their Myspace. (Scroll down, it's on the left.)

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