
Lesson 03 - Asking And Telling Time in Korean

It's no doubt time is always on our mind. Some of us might even think 24 hours a day is not enough because of the hectic lifestyle we having. Korea is like many other Asian country, where everybody seems to be busy all the time and always in rush to do something. This bring to our lesson for today, HOW TO ASK AND TELL TIME IN KOREAN?

브루스: 엘리스씨! 지금 몇 시에요?
엘리스: 한시 삼십분 이에요.
브루스: 우리 두시 반에 점심 먹읍시다!

Bruce: Alice! What is the time now?
Alice : It's 1.30
Bruce: Let's have lunch at 2.30!

  1. 지금 몇 시에요 - 지금 mean now, is what, and mean hour but it refer as time here. Notice that the word end with the final consonant but is pronounce as "myeot" because the is place there as final consonant act to end the sound with "t". mean what but only use for time.
  2. 한시 삼십분 이에요 - For stating time, Native Korean numeral system is use for hour and Sino-Korean numeral system is use for minute. There are some irregular for the first four number in Native Korean system 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷. When use for time 하나 will be turn to 한(1), 둘 -> 두(2), 셋 -> 세(3), and 넷 -> 네(4). Continue with 다섯(5), 여섯(6), 일곱(7), 여덟(8), 아홉(9), 열(10), 열 한(11), 열 두(12).
  3. For minute the Sino-Korean numeral system is use. For example 십분 is ten minute, 이십분 is twenty minute, until 오십분 is fifty minute. mean minute.
  4. 우리 두시 반에 점심 먹읍시다 - 우리 mean we, 두시 반 is 2.30 (notice mean half, so it mean half an hour), 점심 mean lunch and 먹읍시다 mean let's eat.
  5. To specifically state the period of day, use 아침(morning), 오후(afternoon), 저녁(evening), 밤(night) in front of the time. For example: 아침 여덟시 사십분 is 8.40a.m
  6. To learn more about Native Korean numeral system and Sino-Korean numeral system please click on my previous post here ^^
The END~

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