
Lesson 05 - How About A Cup Of Coffee?

Coffee is actually part of Korean culture nowadays. Most of the Koreans love coffee and you can find coffee vending machines all over cities and street. Culturally Korean always offer to treat each other a cup of coffee and it will be rude if you are having coffee all alone, which brings us to our topic in this lesson. In this lesson, past tense will be used in the conversation.

브루스: 테일러! 커피 한 잔 어때요?
테일러: 미안하지만, 아까 마셨어요.
브루스: 그럼, 케이크는 어때요?
테일러: 아까 먹었어요.

Bruce : Taylor! How about a cup of coffee?
Taylor: I'm sorry, I had one a little while ago.
Bruce : Then, how about cake?
Taylor: I ate a little while ago.


  1. 커피 한 잔 어때요? - 커피 is coffee. Pay attention to the pronunciation of 커피, don't pronounce it as 코피 which mean nose blood, things might get funny if you going to order 코피 =)
  2. 한 잔 어때요 mean how about a drink. This could refer to any drink such as alchohol, coke, etc. If 커피 is place in front of the sentence then it means "How about a cup of coffee?"
  3. 아까 마셨어요 - 아까 mean a little while ago, 마셨어요 is the past tense of 마시다 which mean "to drink" For explanation of how to convert verb into past tense please refer to my previous post on Korean Past Tense.
  4. 그럼 in this sentence mean "then" or "if that is the case". Bruce ask Taylor again "How about cake?" and Taylor reject his offer by answering "아까 먹었어요" which mean I ate one earlier. Again 먹었어요 here is the past tense of 먹다(to eat).

So learn the "커피 한 잔 어때요?" if you guys want to pick up girls and create a conversation^^ This topic reminds me of a great Korean drama "The 1st shop of Coffee Prince - 커피프린스 1호점". If you guys haven't watch this drama, do check it out =)

The END~

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