
Welcome to Korean Sarangheyo ^^

After spending a few day modify this blog template, I hope you guys will like the look of it, any comment of this template will be appreciated ^^

Welcome to Korean Sarangheyo ^^ Well why I name this blog "Korean Sarangheyo"?? Just because I love Korean and have enthusiasm for Korean culture ever since 3 years ago, which trigger myself in learn the Korean language. I'm actually still struggling in learning the language, but I hope that with this blog I can motivate myself in learning the language and also share my knowledge to anyone who is interested in Korean language =)

Besides that, I will sharing everything about Korean entertainment too from music, drama, movie and anything I can think so and come across to ^^ And someday I wish I can share my experience in Korea if I ever get the opportunity, really looking forward to it ~ Part of my Adsense earning will be use to fund my Korea trip in the future :P

That's pretty much of it and I hope I can start sharing everything I got to all Korean fans out there ~ 한국어 화이팅!! (Korean Language Fighting!!)

The END~

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