
A Long Awaited Kimchi Update

Hello there, my name is Gdog and I currently am teaching English in Korea...errr...umm...wait a minute, that just doesn't sound right anymore! For all you patient people out there, I do apologize for not updating daily anymore. I wish I could, but now that I am busy working I don't have much time. Well, I have time now so tonight I'm going to give you a kimchi update--literally!

When I was in Korea, no matter where I went I always thought about "hmm...this could be a potential blog post!" Well, the same thing still comes to mind back home. Just yesterday I was at a local Asian supermarket chain, T&T Supermarket in Richmond. I was roaming down one of the refrigerator aisles and what did I see? You guess right--KIMCHI!

I've seen this kimchi/Korean aisle before, but today I decided to snap a few pictures. Man, Koreans who are living here must love being able to buy pretty much anything from back home in Richmond (and Coquitlam). I visited an Asian specialty shop and was able to find all sorts of Korean snacks, such as Pepero and those chocolate filled cookie thingies with cartoon prints on them (you know what I'm talking about--the pink and green boxes):

This little tub of kimchi goodness is made in time to make your own kimchi because you have to drive the kids to soccer? No problem, buy it here and save time!

As for a food update, it's been a while since I've posted about the morsels of deliciousness that have entered my body. Well, here is a picture of some homemade hummus (with lots of garlic!) I was eating yesterday with Stacy's baked pita chips (which is hiding under that tiny mound of hummus). It was darn good, but I think I might have gone overboard with the garlic. Everytime I burp, it still reeks of garlic. Awesome!

As for an update on the job front, I've been working pretty much everyday on call. It's been a mixture of high school and elementary school. Either way, I've come to the conclusion that Koreans are everywhere. I met a grade 11 student in my class today that lived in Mokdong prior to moving to Vancouver! Small world. Hmm... I thought to myself...let's see how Korean he really is...

I asked him about "fan death", the health benefits of kimchi, and if he had a "handpone". He wasn't sure about what "fan death" was, he said he didn't like the smell of kimchi, and when I dropped the "handpone" bomb on him, he replied "you're more Korean than I am." I was so overcome with emotion that I almost cried. Gee, thanks kid!

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