
Food I've Eaten in the Past Two Weeks

It's hard to stay on top of updates when I'm not in the land of kimchi. However, I do try to maintain a connection to Korea with my life here back home. For example, you saw my post about the locally fermented kimchi. When I am teaching, I always give a short intro about myself. I tell students where I'm from and that I taught English in Korea for a year. I then ask if anyone is from Korea.

85% of the time, I have at least 1-3 kids say "me!"...then I like to drop an 안녕하세요 bomb on them and you should see the look on their faces! I've come to the conclusion that Koreans are everywhere...secretly hiding in places where you least suspect them to be. They're taking over...the world! In this one school, one student labeled a Korean student "kimchi boy". Of course, I made the kid apologize to "kimchi boy". Some students have picked up English super quick, while others are still trying to master the language. One student told me "I've been here 5 years, but my English still sucks." Hmm...maybe you should stop hanging out with fellow Koreans so you can practice English!

Anyways, to finish off this week I thought it'd be nice to take a look at some of the grub I've consumed over the past couple weeks. These are completely random and pictures were taken with my iPhone. Enjoy!

Curry seafood fried rice in a dim sum restaurant...

Pasta and ice cream from Boston Pizza...

Veal Parmigiana on my sister's birthday...

Craving pasta during last week, I made some homemade pasta (no kimchi was used)...

Flavorless Chinese food from the local mom and pop Chinese restaurant...

Fresh pomegranate and frozen yogurt...

...and Thursday night's dinner: Salt and pepper prawns, beef flank, and gai lan with oyster sauce:

That's it...hope you had a good week. Live long, and prosper!

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