
Blog Review: The Thinking Blog!

There are lots of websites out there on the internet. Some are interesting, some are not. One blog that I've stumbled across over a year ago was The Thinking Blog, which started in Dec 2006. The writer of this blog is ilker, and originally the blog was hosted on Blogger but now is on Wordpress. ilker is also a designer, and he has actually helped me out immensely over the past couple of months. Now it's my time to help ilker out by talking about his blog! :)

Going with the tag line, "Knowledge Grows When Shared," ilker's blog has some pretty cool and interesting posts, garnering just under 1800 RSS subscribers. That's what makes his blog unique, is that he always has something interesting to read. Some of my favorite posts are:

How To Eat Vegetables We Don't Like
7 Tips to Deal with TMI (Too Much Information)
Please Do Not Feed Internet Trolls
Weirdest Named Places On Earth
Top 10 April Fool Pranks 2007

You can check out some more by reading the Top Posts. The cool thing about his posts are pretty original and unique. It's pretty hard to sort through the millions of blogs out there on the internet. At least you know with The Thinking Blog the posts there have some high quality content that is actually interesting!

The Thinking Blog

Some of you may have already visited my domain,! As you know, it's been sort of a work in progress over the past couple of months. I am planning a transition over to Wordpress but I haven't really had the time to do so. It's an ongoing project that will get done, but it's going to take small steps at a time. So feel free to check it out and stay tuned for more updates!

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