
A Pre-Chinese New Year/Birthday Dinner

Another week, another post. Work this week was pretty cool, and subbing is a lot of fun. Every class in every school seems to have one or two or three Korean students. I was able to talk about my experience in Korea in a few classes, giving examples of the differences in life between our two countries (EG, not being able to buy certain things--deodorant; expensive fruit, etc)

This weekend I had some family come over from Victoria to celebrate a few birthdays (my little cousin and grandma). It was also a pre-Chinese New Year celebration at the same time. So what happens when you get family together in Richmond? If you guessed a big dinner at a seafood restaurant, you're right!

Tonight we went for dinner at Imperial Court, in the Staples plaza off No.3 road. It was a set menu that included a lot of seafood and other goodies. Let me warn you: the following pictures will make your mouth water! Let's go through the extensive gallery of MSG-laden dishes, shall we? ;) Get ready for a lot of pictures...

Here is my place setting...along with our first dish:

Some pea tips with shredded dried scallop:

Seafood stir fry with snap peas:

A ten pound Alaskan King crab...with LOTS of garlic!

Note to self: you will have garlic breath for the next two days:

Soup with crab and chicken and other misc. items...

Baby bok choy with Chinese mushrooms:

This was my first time trying this dish. Deep fried rock cod, smothered in sweet and sour sauce and topped with pine nuts! As you can see in the background, my uncle is another typical camera-crazy Asian like myself:

Don't forget the crispy skin chicken...

Most restaurants prepare the King crab in 2-3 ways, since there's so much meat. Here is the shell filled with curry fried rice with shrimp, topped with a cream sauce and baked:

Remember those two massive plates of King crab? Well, the server takes back the unused garlic and juice back to the kitchen to use as the base of our last dish, egg noodles:

Bring on the we have some sort of deep fried pastry...which I didn't enjoy...

For those in's something you might relate to...Chinese people love red bean just like the best of 'em! Red bean dessert soup, a staple in any Chinese restaurant:

These are steamed buns filled with lotus seed paste, and are usually served on birthdays. For some reason they remind me of rabbits...I don't know why...

...and last, but not least, the cherry on top for any birthday is an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen--with the Canucks logo to boot!

So there you have it...dinner was definitely served tonight. We walked away extremely full and some more. The food was pretty tasty at Imperial Court and came out piping hot. The only thing that was lacking was the service, as they seemed understaffed throughout the night. Plate clearing was pretty much non-existent. I'm stuffed, tired, and ready to sleep off this dinner. Hope you had a good week--goodnight!

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