
Getting Married in Dubai

Hello everyone! Yes, I am still alive and kicking. Apologies for the lack of updates but life has been just so busy ya know? Anyways before we get started just wanted to say a big MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all those people out there still reading this blog! Thanks for checking up on my updates and commenting. I hope everyone has been able to spend the holidays with their family and friends.

As for us, we have been spending the past couple of weeks again in the UAE! As most of you know we got engaged last year and just over two weeks ago we tied the knot in Dubai! It was a very small wedding on the beach, right outside the Burj Al Arab hotel and Madinat Al Saqr. It was pretty nice to be in the sun and out of the snow and cold that people back home have been "enjoying" to say the least. ;)

Here's a pic of our view from the Madinat Al Qasr:

Here's a pic of Dubai from the top of the Burj Al Arab, where we had brunch the following day. Can you see the world's tallest building, the Burj Dubai (which funny enough is being built by Samsung Corp!):

As you can probably tell, we are having a blast right now. The food at the Burj Al Arab brunch was downright incredible! A massive buffet that includes such a massive array of food that it was impossible for yours truly to even taste it all! I'm not joking! I tried taking a pic of every plate but I couldn't do it anymore to my body.

The seafood selection was pretty awesome though. Lobster, king crab legs, shrimp, mussels, clams, oysters, and even caviar! There was a dude there who's job was only to spoon caviar on your plate--hilarious. Also, there was a foie gras station as well. Buddy would take your order then freshly pan sear a slab of foie gras for you. Talk about massive calorie intake right? Come on, that's what you do when you go on holidays!

Here are a few pics of what I had to eat:

On top of getting hitched in Dubai, we just got back from our honeymoon in the Seychelles. Yes, life is pretty difficult right now as you can see. Until next time!! ;)

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