
The Daily Kimchi: 2007 Year in Review

Can you believe how fast 2007 has gone by? It's like the older you get, the faster time flies. Anyways, 2007 has been an awesome year for us. Let's see here...we spent the first half of the year in Seoul, South Korea. We were happy to come home in the summer. We got engaged in the fall. I got a job in the winter. What's next?? Anyways, thanks to everyone out there for still kickin' around and reading my blog. Cheers to you for a happy new year!

Anyways, let's take a look at the top posts of 2007, shall we? Let's go month by month...this will be a great recap to a fantastic year.

Phew! That took me a while, but here are six months worth of "Top Posts" that have been posted on my blog. I added in some of my favorite posts too. Anyways, I have decided to split up my 2007 year in review because going through 600+ posts is taking much longer than expected. If you're a new visitor, read up because you're missing out! If you're a loyal reader, time to take a trip down memory lane. Happy New Year!

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