
Welcome to 2008 Everybody!

Just like that, another year has come and gone. Man, as you get older these years sure do whip by like lightning. Anyways, 2007 was an especially important year for us, as we both had so many fantastic travels. Thanks for reading up on my endless food posts and some other Korea-related posts too. Let's hope for an awesome 2008! Wishing you the best wherever you are. This blog will continue to be updated!

Anyways, I haven't finished compiling the top posts of the last half of 2007. That will come in the next post! So instead, I am going to leave you with some pictures of the Christmas lights from the 2007 Festival of Lights held at the VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver. We went there an hour before closing, which meant it wasn't very busy. That meant perfect opportunities for pictures! These were taken with my Canon Digital Rebel XTi/400D. Enjoy!

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