
Top Posts of 2007: Part Deux

The last time I posted about the Top Posts of 2007, it was only the months January-June. Today you are going to see a list of the most popular posts from the last half of 2007, either the ones that had the most comments, or posts that I just enjoyed writing about. Let's get on with the show!

December there you have it, the top posts from the last half of 2007. I didn't get a chance to post as often as I would have liked, due to the fact I started a new job which ended up consuming a lot of my time. Anyways, for those who have just landed here on my blog, take a moment to go through some of the memorable posts from 2007. Thanks to everyone for reading up on the blog.

By the way, I'd like to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister if she's reading this! I'm tired, it's late...that means I'm going to bed. 잘자!

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