
The Quest for Shinpo Woori Mandoo in Vancouver

I know what you're thinking and I already have the answer to your question--yes, we are still alive and kicking! This is definitely the longest break between posts but it's been busy busy buy here so updates have been slow. Now that I have the summer to enjoy, maybe expect a few more updates coming your way!

For those long time readers, remember when I visited Tommy Hilfiger's long lost brother, Tommy Atkins? That night we ate at Shinpo Woori Mandoo. On our first visit there I noticed there was a Shinpo location in Vancouver! So, out of the blue we decided to embark on a trek to locate this Shinpo location in downtown Vancouver.

First off, great news, we found the location! Bad news, the place has closed down! LOL. I don't know if they moved or not, but I thought of Western businesses failing in Korea (think Walmart) and then here we have Shinpo's chain closing shop in Canada. Maybe the owners went back to Korea or moved to another location. I'll have to investigate further.

So Shinpo was off the list for dinner. Where to? We headed down Robson Street, which on the northern end of the street is almost like a mini Korean-town. We went to this one restaurant that had some pretty darn good naengmyeon. We each ordered one and also a dolsot bibimbap! It was like being back in Korea again (well, almost). The restaurant had one table of Koreans that were speaking...Korean--pretty much drowning the entire restaurant in "OOOHHHHS" etc.

Anyways, here are the pictures!

It's been a while since we had the whole water jug on table experience...

Konglish is awesome...NANG MYEN BABY! It's "one of the most famous food in Korea"

This table made sure we knew they were Korean:

The side dishes...

The was actually really good.

Korean seems to taste reallly good in Vancouver. I don't know if it has to do with the ingredients, but the flavors taste fresher than the dishes in Korea. The thing I miss the most though? The price! Naengmyeon could be had for 2900w ($3CDN) in Korea, where as each bowl here cost $8.95/BOWL plus tax/ yeah...Korean is cheaper in Korea. Hope everybody is enjoying their summer...I sure am enjoying mine! ;)

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