
Aspiring to Head to Blog World in Las Vegas

Hey folks, it's been a while since Gdog has posted on The Daily Kimchi. Anyways, the summer has been going great, keeping very busy. So busy that I've neglected this blog! Anyways, today I'm going to post about why I hope to win a ticket to the Blog World Expo, the largest convention on blogging that is being held in Las Vegas this September. My buddy John Chow is holding a contest giving away two free tickets and I'm hoping that I get one of them.

Why I Deserve the Pass to Blog World

First things first, I am free in September and am committed to going to Blog World. You won't be wasting giving away your tickets to someone who is not going. I want to go to Blog World to network and finally meet all the crazy bloggers in this world. Notable examples are Shoemoney, the UBD crew that helped setup my iPhone Blog theme.

To experience the chance to meet these influential bloggers at the blogging mecca would be an unforgettable experience that would add to my blogging repertoire. By actually attending the conference would help me focus my efforts on blogging and to become even more successful online.

I've been blogging since July of 2006, starting with The Daily Kimchi. I posted on this blog everyday for a solid year while in Korea--now that's dedication! This blog has become my online diary for blogging essentially, hence why I'm posting this entry here. For my iPhone in Canada blog I have not missed a daily post since its creation in December of 2007. It's this kind of dedication and commitment to blogging that proves why I am serious about showing up at the Blog World Expo.

I'm not going to play the pity card and create some sort of sob story about why I should win a ticket. The fact of the matter is I deserve to go because I understand blogging and have created one of the most successful iPhone blogs in a matter of 8 short months (1.1 million pageviews, 300,000 visitors, and 3100+ RSS readers in July!), plus one of the most popular Teaching in Korea blogs too. I have put in the homework to research and learn how to create successful blogs. These are the cold hard facts--the Blog World Expo is waiting for me to arrive!

What makes me different from others? I actually have implemented every single idea I've come across (including John's ideas), versus others that just talk about making a blog! What a simple concept to success! Regardless, if I don't win the free pass I'm going to put up the cash to buy a ticket and go anyways. That's how serious I am about heading to Blog World!

Also, John Chow owes me $4.25 in scooter gas money, so to win this pass I would accept it as a fair offer of paying me back. So there you go folks. That's my entry and see ya in Las Vegas!

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